Monday, December 27, 2010

Week of December 27th

Hi everyone!

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are enjoying your break from school.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Holiday Worship for Chapel Service. I heard rave reviews! You guys are the best!!

This Wednesday, December 29th from 7:30 pm to 9:00am the next morning.

Those of you with older brothers or sisters please invite them back, and those of you who facebook with alumi please invite them! We will honor Roy in a special worship. Lets focus on past memories and things that make Roy special. Perhaps we can light a candle for each trait that makes Roy great: loyal, loving, funny, prepared...etc. Please put some thought into it and we will plan at the beginning of the lock-in.

Also I am hoping you won't mind helping to put the holiday decorations away. 30 minutes at the most! Then we can have fun, fun, fun... I will attach the permission slip to the e-mail blast.

Regular meeting at 10:30am.

See you soon!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday, December 12 and 19 and beyond

Hi everyone!

Great job on planning the Holiday Worship/workshop! I am super proud of all of you! It is going to be great! Sorry I am going to miss it- Please be at church at 10:15am. Everything you need is laid out in the YG room just as you left it!

Sunday the 19th is an All-Community Worship Service- please come!

More info to come on the Reunion Lock-in- save the date- Wednesday, December 29th.

Have a great couple of weeks! See you when I get back! Holiday hugs!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hey everyone!

It is going to be a busy Sunday!!

Meeting at 10:30am will be for planning the Holiday worship/workshop that you will present to the K-6th grade kids on December 12th. I hope the worship team leaders have some ideas! Luan, Joe, Mike and Pam will be with you to help with some ideas. This is the only week to plan so it has to get done!! Each holiday will have 15 minutes to give a brief explanantion, demonstrate a ritual, and do an activity. At the end something should be said about UU's respecting and celebrating the beauty of all religions and their rituals, etc. We are looking forward to hearing your ideas!!

Let's sell coffee!! We got a new shipment of coffee so let's sell it after the service. Probably just need two youth to do that- remind people it would make great stocking stuffers, or gifts for people at work!

From 12-4:30pm. I am a little worried as I have only gotten 1 RSVP. I sent out another e-mail reminder and begged people to RSVP- so I don't know....If we don't have any kids then let's still use the afternoon to our advantage and start working on the celebration for Roy and Youth Sunday. You will be surprised at how much can be accomplished in a few hours!

Thanks you to those of you who helped with the Fair Trade Faire. It was a great success!!

See you SUnday!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sunday, November 28th

Hey everyone!

There is a lot going on this weekend!

Friday, November 26th meet at church at 5:00-7;30pm to help with a fair trade sale that the church is hosting. Pass out flyers downtown Hinsdale, ring up customers. Wrap presents to make money for youth group! Eat before you come, dress warmly! See you there!

Sunday, November 28th come to church (a little early) and help with Deck-the-Halls workshop.. The younger children will be making holiday crafts and we can sure use  help from some bigger hands! Thanks! After church stay and wrap presents for donations at the fair trade sale.

If you are section leader for the YG worship on Holidays please stop by and see me on Sunday if you need any supplies, ideas, help, etc. Next Sunday we will need to put together the worship in our hour- so you will need to have a little jump on it!

Sunday, December 5th is our Shop! Drop! and Wrap! event and we will need everyone's help! Please plan on working this from 12:00to 4:30! If you have questions let me know!

See you soon!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hey everyone!

Lots and lots of announcements and dates of upcoming events! Go get your calendars before continuing to read....... Ok here goes!

This Sunday bring ideas you have for Social Action projects. Joe  will help you discern what you think is most important and will lead you (hopefully) to choose a cause we can work on! Also, if you are at church on Sunday YOU WILL make a bandanna for Roy. This will be really simple.... put your name and three words that describe Roy, his work with us, or a funny thing he said, or an inside joke. EASY!!

After church is the Midwest Ballet's performance of the Nutcracker. Luan had mentioned last week that she could take a few of you who may be interested in seeing it. Luan sends her apologies but she has a prior commitment and will not be free on Sunday afternoon. If any of you are interested in attending, check out for more info and maybe you can organize carpooling among yourselves. If not please shout out a "break a leg" message to Lydia!

We will begin our Coffee sales during coffee hour this Sunday. Shelby, Evan and Rina will make a short presentation in church about it. And then we will sell the coffee on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.

Daniel will also be making an announcement about our DROP, SHOP & WRAP fundraiser.

On Sunday, December 5th the youth group will provide babysitting with activities for preschool and school age children from 12:00-4:30 so that parents can go out and shop for the holidays. When they return from shopping we will wrap their gifts for an additional donation. LOTS OF YG YOUTH will be needed for this event. More info to come soon-save the date!

10,000 Villages Fair Trade Sale at Church
On Friday, November 26 from 4-8pm and again on Sunday, November 28th after church, UCH will be hosting a sale of fair trade items. YG assistance would be welcomed by Debbi (our fearless organizer.)  Friday night we need cashiers and youth who might want to pass out fliers and Sunday we need cashiers but YG is also going to have a wrapping station to collect donations. Let Pam know if you are interested!

Deck-the-Halls Workshop
Sunday, December 28th during the service Pam needs youth to help run her Deck-the-Halls Party. Children will rotate around stations and make holiday crafts. Youth needed to work those tables and maybe play with the preschool children in their classroom. Let Pam know if you are willing to help! You all did a wonderful job at the Halloween Party!

Reunion Lock-In
Save the date! Wednesday, December 29th will be a our annual Reunion Lock-in. We will invite as many alumni as we can and honor Roy in a special worship service. More details to follow!

PHEW!!! I think that is it! It is exciting to have so much going on!! See you Sunday!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hey Guys!

This Sunday will be a necessary hodge podge meeting! We need to discuss our coffee sale and other fundraising activities, our celebration for Roy, upcoming events, our mural painting,and whatever else comes up. Once our business is done we will relax to some soothing guided mediatation. Can't wait to see everyone! Let's send out a welcome to our new YG member Sarah Lehuta! See you Sunday!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!
Pam needs your help in Chapel Service. The chapel kids will be having a Halloween fun fair with a variety of games. It would be great if you youth would work the games and pass out the prizes. The younger kids love any attention they get from older youth and it will be a fun way for you to get to know some of them. When everyone has had enough time to play you can meet together to check in, talk about the wall mural, work on Roy's bandanas, etc. Please let Pam know you are willing to help- it would be great if you could be at church around 10:20am. See you Sunday!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sunday, October 24th

Hey everyone! Big Con this weekend! Hope everyone that is going has a great time! We will have youth group on Sunday morning, regular time. Mike and Pam will be there for anyone who would like to come. We will have sort-of an informal meeting. Need ideas for the wall mural, bandanas for Roy, fundrasing, etc. Bring your ideas! See you then!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunday, October 17th

On Sunday we will watch part of a movie (popcorn provided) and then discuss it's relevance to life, us, and UUism. Don't miss it!! Mike's picking the movie....anyone want to guess what it might be??? See you then!!



Lock-in this FRIDAY! 7:30pm to 9:30am If you haven't already please RSVP! Everyone is welcome as long as you bring your permission slip, YG paperwork and $10. If you can't stay the night please feel free to come hang out with us until whenever.(no permission or $ needed) Mike, Joe and Pam will be here all night! Also bring any ideas you may have for how we want to paint our room! Maybe even drafts? (you artistic people!)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunday, October 10th

Both Jr. and Sr. High will meet in the Sr. Youth Group room at 10:30am for a quick check-in. Luan will take any interested youth to the church service...Guest speaker Rev. Don Wheat "Do you ever feel like fate, the gods, the furies have it in for you?" Any youth who do not wish to attend the service will have "Game Day". We have many board games here but if you have a favorite please feel free to bring it.

Don't forget our upcoming Lock-in! Please RSVP!!!

Don't forget your Youth Group Membership Paperwork! Please get it in so I can stop bugging you!!

See you Sunday!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

LOCK-IN October 15-16

Hey everyone!

We will have our first lock-in on Friday, October 15th starting at 7:30pm to Saturday, October 16th at 9:30am. Sign-up sheets are available at church this Sunday. You will also need to have all your YG membership papers fill out and turned in to participate. $10 too! Please RSVP that you are coming. If you would like me to e-mail you a form please let me know

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hey everyone!

This Sunday, October 3rd- BREAKFAST SUNDAY- Bring something to share or cook and have breakfast together! For even more fun wear your pajama pants and slippers.
Already signed up-
Dan- Bagels
Paige- orange juice and milk
Shelby- Banana muffins
Emily- pancake mix
Lydia- fruit
Sam- Facon and Fausages ( I'm assuming vege bacon and sausage)
Kaitlyn- eggs
Rachel- cookies

Also on Sunday, while you are eating, I would like for Shelby to tell you about her visit/presentation to the board about the fair trade coffee. After she fills you all in- we need to make a poster to hang by the coffee table announcing that we are serving fair trade coffee. I will provide materials!

Please, PLEASE comment on whether or not you can attend the lock-in scheduled for the 15th! Mike needs to find a bowling sub and Joe needs to take off work so we need to know whether or not to have it!

Don't forget your YG MEMBERSHIP PACKETS!

Rev. Ed is running a four week series on World Religions on Monday nights October 18, 25 and Nov. 1, 8. This would be a wonderful opportunity for us to fulfill our goal of some World Religions learning and still have time to do all the other things on our want to do list. I would be willing to provide a dinner before each meeting for you all if I had some committment. I can give you a little more info on Sunday. It would be fun!!

See you Sunday- love and smiles!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sunday, September 26th

Hi everyone,


1. This Sunday we will have a regular meeting at 10:30 and begin our series of Mediatation workshops. Please think of some ways people can meditate. We also need to make a free-trade coffee poster and clean our room- maybe move around the furniture?

2. Save the date! Youth group Lock-In. Friday, October 15th-16th. I will have forms, etc. next week.

3. District Con~Some Con-a-Wonderful October 22-24th. Registration forms and money are due to Pam this SUnday, September 26th with a $60 check made out to UCH. THIS IS THE DEADLINE!! NO LATE REGISTRATIONS!! There are extra forms in the YG room and you can get them on line at  We need parent drivers for this event. Contact Pam for more info...

4. Don't forget to fill out your youth group membership forms. You won't be able to participate in upcoming events if they are not turned in!

5. I am need of one more babysitter for the nursery! Play with babies! Chat with friends! Make $12.50! Let me know if you are interested. You would work 1 or two Sundays a month.

6. First Friday Fun Night (FFFN) Did you know on the first Friday Night of every month our church has an all ages fun night? I think it would be neat if some of you youth came and had some fun! The next one is October 3rd starting at 7:00pm. Come carve a pumpkin, (bring your own) make a bird feeder, have some fun. Let me know if you are coming!


Lots of love-see you Sunday!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sunday, September 19

Hey everyone! Regular YG meeting this Sunday.

Couple of things to tell you-
1. A youth group Facebook page is up and running! It is UCH YG. Please keep it clean and fun!

2. Also you can look at and post photos of events at  UCH_YG password royluvschairs

See you Sunday!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Here's our new blog. First Youth Group meeting is on September 12 at 10:30 a.m. Hope to see you there. Tell us how excited you are to get Youth Group rolling!