Friday, November 26, 2010

Sunday, November 28th

Hey everyone!

There is a lot going on this weekend!

Friday, November 26th meet at church at 5:00-7;30pm to help with a fair trade sale that the church is hosting. Pass out flyers downtown Hinsdale, ring up customers. Wrap presents to make money for youth group! Eat before you come, dress warmly! See you there!

Sunday, November 28th come to church (a little early) and help with Deck-the-Halls workshop.. The younger children will be making holiday crafts and we can sure use  help from some bigger hands! Thanks! After church stay and wrap presents for donations at the fair trade sale.

If you are section leader for the YG worship on Holidays please stop by and see me on Sunday if you need any supplies, ideas, help, etc. Next Sunday we will need to put together the worship in our hour- so you will need to have a little jump on it!

Sunday, December 5th is our Shop! Drop! and Wrap! event and we will need everyone's help! Please plan on working this from 12:00to 4:30! If you have questions let me know!

See you soon!

1 comment:

debbi d-w said...

Thanks to Rina, Shelby, Sarah & Rachel and advisors Joe, Pam & Janice. We had a really successful day one of our fair trade sale: over $1200. in sales - GREAT work!