Monday, January 23, 2012


Hey everyone!

We are now taking registrations for the spring CON! Check your e-mail for the registration forms and additional info. Let us know if you have questions! Registration and fee are due on SUnday, January 29th!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 22, 29th

Hi everyone,
For the next three Sundays the Junior and Senior Youth group will be participating in a workshop on Buddhism. Joe Pakovits is a member of our congregation and considers himself a "BudhUU." He is extremely knowledgable on the history of Buddhism, it's teachings, wisdoms and practices. Each week Joe will speak on the religion, with time for questions and answers, and will then lead some meditation exercises. Joe is super excited to be working with our youth and I know everyone will have fun and learn a lot. Hope to see everyone on Sunday!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sunday, January 8


Start the new year with a chapel service! This Sunday all ages will gather in church for the first 15 minutes(that will give us a chance to hear Owen perform during the service)  and then will return to Joshi Chapel for an all ages Chapel Service. It was wonderful to have all of you youth at the last Chapel Service in October. The younger children loved having you as "worship buddies."  Hope to see you on Sunday!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sunday, December 4th

Hey everyone!

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2nd  7-9pm  Trivets and Coasters (Take 2)
Come to church between 7-9pm and make some trivets and coasters to sell during coffee hour to help fund our activities and trip. They are super fun and easy to make. Last weekend Luan, the Mooney sisters and I made a bunch. We sold a few at the Thanksgiving service and people really liked them! The more of these the better. PLEASE try to come- (here comes the tough love part...) The church does not give us a large amount of money to fund movie nights, and activities, and snacks. We must earn that money ourselves! We have not had a fundraiser yet this year. If you want to have these things for your youth group then you must also be responsible for making them possible!

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4th  10:30am  Music and Spirituality
Come to the regular regular youth group meeting with some music that speaks to you. Be ready to share why you find it spiritual or moving. After service be ready to sell coffee and trivets and coasters!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday, November 20th

Hey everyone!

See last week's post for everything coming up!

Friday, November 18th  Pizza and Crafting Party
Sunday, November 20th  All-Community Service and Interfaith Youth Core Lunch
Sunday, November 27th  Annual Deck-the Halls Workshop


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sunday, November 13th and Beyond

Hi everyone,

There will be no YG meeting this Sunday, November 13th but there are some exciting things coming up!

Sunday, November 13th   NO MEETING
Friday, November 18th PIZZA and CRAFTING PARTY

Remember those cute coasters and trivet I showed you last week? Let's get together on Friday, November 18th from 7:00 to 10:00pm and make some! They are super easy and fun to make. If you would like- bring a package of cute luncheon or dinner size napkins that you think would make cute coasters. We will sell the finished product during coffee hours in December. Please RSVP to Pam so I know how much Pizza to bring.

"On Sunday, November 20th Nic Cable will be hosting a lunch / information session about the Interfaith Youth Core, an organization where youth of all faiths and traditions work together to make the world a better place.  We'll meet at the Unitarian Church of Hinsdale at noon and depart for Hyde Park where we will have a late lunch at the Medici restaurant.  Nic will lead a discussion about the Interfaith Youth Core with an emphasis on how you can get involved.  We anticipate returning to Hinsdale around 4pm.

Jeff Teppema can provide transportation for up to 3 additional passengers.  If more youth are interested, we'll need to find additional transportation."



Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sunday, November 6th

Hi everyone,

This Sunday Hans Lonnroth will be in youth group to share with you his knowledge of early Tao's philosophy. He will share a couple of his favorite readings with you. I know some lively discussions will follow!

If you are going to Con next weekend you should be at youth group this Sunday! Remember our new attendance policy for participation in activities! Also please make sure ALL PAPERWORK is on file. You must be registered in the RE Department and also in YG!

See you on Sunday!