Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sunday, May 29

Hi everyone!

This Sunday we will enjoy the sunshine and have a potluck snack picnic! Bring a snack to share(a bag of chips, a box of donuts, etc.) and head off to a local park to have fun until church is over. See you then-

Don't forget your RETREAT DEPOSITS!

Let me know if you are interested in working the PUPPY ADOPTION!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hi everyone!

Great job on the Plant Sale! We made about $500 so far and we have a lot of plants still to sell. This coming Sunday we will have one more go of it. Hopefully we will be able to set up outside on the lawn. We will need all youth to help do that and to stay after church for a while to help customers. Everyone who helps will receive a discount off the cost of the retreat trip. See you Sunday!

There are a few of you that have not responded for the retreat. A $50 deposit is due if you are planning on attending. In the next couple of weeks I will be able to give you a final price(probably around $125) and permission slip. Please let me know either way so I can inform the retreat center of our group and plans. Thanks!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday, May 15th

Hi Everyone!!

This Sunday is our Plant Sale!  The plan is to set up tables outside on the lawn and fill them with all our home grown veggies, herbs and flowers. The advisors will be buying and bringing some flats of flowers as well. The goal is to make more than $500 to offset the cost of our retreat. Anyone who helps with the sale will receive a discount on the cost of the trip.

Dan will be participating in the Bridging Ceremony during the service so maybe you can take a break and come cheer him on!

Sam and Sarah have agreed to babysit during the annual meeting next Sunday, May 22nd. Anyone else? It would be nice to have one or two more youth. Let me know!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sunday, May 8

Sunday, May 8

Hi everyone,

This Sunday we will make plans and arrangements for our plant sale. We need to raise about $500 to make our trip to MennoHaven Retreat Center a success! Please come this Sunday to help re-pot our vegetables and herbs and to pick out other kinds of flowers to sell and set prices, make posters, etc.  Our plant sale will be Sunday May 15. Any youth working the plant sale will receive a discount on the cost of the retreat trip- so please plan on helping.

See you Sunday!!
If you signed the student membership book you are eligible to vote in the annual meeting. The meeting will be held on Sunday, May 22nd after church. If you are not planning on attending the meeting I will need several youth to provide childcare during that time. Babysitting youth will be paid for their time and commitment! Please let Pam know if you are interested!